Dee Ernst
author : Dee Ernst
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DEE ERNST grew up in Morristown, New Jersey, and attended Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia, where she majored in Journalism, thinking it would help her launch a writing career. She miscalculated, gave up writing entirely, and began a long career as a bookkeeper. Two husbands and two daughters later, Dee returned to the tri-state area—happily married—to begin her career as a writer.
Dee Ernst Book Series
Building Home
A Safe Place to Land
A Malicious Midwinter
Better Off Without Him (Romantic Comedy)
A Different Kind Of Forever
A Founders' Day Death: A Mt. Abrams Mystery (The Mt. Abrams Mysteries Book 2)
Better Than Your Dreams
A Deadly New Year: A Mt. Abrams Mystery (The Mt. Abrams Mysteries)
A Slight Change of Plan
A Killer Halloween: A Mt. Abrams Mystery (The Mt. Abrams Mysteries Book 3)
A Mother's Day Murder (Mt. Abrams Mysteries Book 1)